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about Jerald Simon and
Music Motivation®

(from Professional Musicians, Piano Teachers, Piano Students, and Parents around the world)

We have over 2,000+ 5 Star reviews/testimonials and are we continually receiving more each day.
We are only including a few below. Testimonials will also be shared on all of our individual
product pages as well as my Amazon page. Please EMAIL us your testimonial and we'll share it!
Right now we are gathering as many video testimonials as we can and would love to share
your video testimonial below! Thank you in advance for your willingness to share your reviews!


What others are saying...

Rebecca's Testimonial about Jerald Simon


Piano Teacher

Becky B's Testimonial about Jerald Simon

Becky B.

Piano Teacher

Jarom Hansen's Testimonial about Jerald Simon

Jarom Hansen

Professional Pianist (Former Piano Student)

Wyatt Frasier Testimonial about Jerald Simon

Wyatt Frasier

Former Piano Student

Piano Student Testimonial about Essential Piano Exercises Course

Piano Student

Essential Piano Exercises Student

Nate Campbell Testimonial about Jerald Simon

Nate Campbell

Professional Musician (Former Piano Student)

Read on for more testimonials below...

"Jerald's hymn arrangements are as beautiful as they are musically interesting. I'm sure people are going to love hearing them in church meetings or wherever they are played." Jon Schmidt (Piano Guys)

"Jerald is a wonderful human being who has inspired not only me to be a better pianist, buy hundreds of other people. Keep up all the great work Jerald." Paul Cardall (Pianist, Recording Artist, Music Producer, Film Composer)

"What I love about arrangements of well-sung songs done by various artists is that one can hear the pianist's personality come through in a very real and intimate way. Jerald's passion for life and his beliefs come through in his unique and distinctive arrangements of well-known religious hymns." Kurt Bestor (Pianist, Composer, Owner, Kurt Bestor Music)

"Jerald Simon's arrangement of A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief is peaceful and soothing. It is not rushed, allowing lines to breathe and resolve. He continues to produce music that will bring spiritual comfort to those who are listening." Josh Wright (concert pianist and online piano teacher)

"Jerald Simon is a brilliant musician, teacher, and performer, with a fascinating story to tell. If you are interested in learning how to improvise or compose music, be sure to check out his books." Brandon Pearce (founder of Music Teacher's Helper, LLC)

“Jerald Simon's meditation/relaxation albums provide a very simple way to take stress out of your life…guaranteed!" Jon Schmidt (Piano Guys)

"Jerald's motivational poetry, writing and music education books are a true expression of Jerald's winning personality and innovation. He is a Utah treasure." David Burger (Music critic, arts reporter, Salt Lake Tribune)

"WOW. Delightful. I loved Adventure Awaits by Jerald Simon and your piano students will, too. I have learned to really enjoy listening to movie soundtracks. Adventure Awaits is like playing a well thought out musical score, while imaging your own story. Great for students who play with no emotion. Great for students who long to play dynamic, impressive music. I can see students learning the songs—cover to cover—then enjoying playing the whole book in one setting. What motivational music therapy that will be!"  Martha Ruppert (piano teacher)

"Jerald has a great sensitivity many players today lack. Reminds me of one of the greats…George Winston." Bradley Joseph - professional pianist

"My name is Emily Younker. I have a subscription to your weekly Cool Songs. I have had it for several months now. To give you a little background I have been teaching piano for just over a year. I have taken many different music courses over the years for various instruments as well as voice. When I started teaching I wanted reference sheets that my students could reference. I couldn't find all I wanted in one place and ended up throwing various things together. Enough background . . .

I absolutely love your program.

1. You have the most comprehensive reference section on your books. (Your Circle of Fifths is the best I've ever seen. It is so much easier to explain when they can see it written out.)
2. Your beginning songs actually are fun to play. All of my students prefer your songs to the songs in their regular books.
3. I love the multimedia options. I have students that listen to your songs at home as they practice to help them remember rhythm and how it sounds.
4. I am not a great jazz pianist. Your songs make it easy to demonstrate how it is supposed to be. (I am learning a lot on my own.)
5. The new songs each week are a great resource because the kids want to hear it even if they aren't at that level yet. It keeps them excited about playing which means they are more willing to practice and learn."

Emily Younker, Piano Teacher

"In the world of solo piano music, it sometimes is hard to distinguish between one artist and another. Jerald Simon is the rare exception. With his album "The Dawn of a New Age," (Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know) Jerald employs many of the traditional elements found in the genre, but his use of singable melodies and welcome space between well-crafted harmonies is very refreshing and sets his music apart." Kurt Bestor (Pianist, Composer, Owner, Kurt Bestor Music)

"Jerald Simon is quickly becoming a favorite composer of mine for luscious, expressive pieces! I teach piano lessons, and while very few of my students are at a late intermediate or advanced level, like these pieces (Sweet Melancholy), there are a couple I believe my more advanced students will love! This will be a great resource on my shelf, both as students develop more skill and need something new, and for my own music adventures. I admit, I will have to work to play the full, rich chords and all the octave well enough for some of these to flow and be full of emotion, as they are intended, but once I've got the notes in my hands, the expression will come SO easily--these pieces just beg for expression. I feel like there are some with sweet lullaby vibes, some that are all melancholy, and some that somehow manage both at the same time! While this book is going to push me to be a better pianist, it is gorgeous and I'm already sorting out where I will focus my efforts first. It's captured my interest and I can't wait to dig in!" Tacy Melvin (piano teacher)

"For young or older piano students, 'Cool Songs' (from Jerald's COOL SONGS series and course) would be a wonderful addition to the current routine, or as a great place to visit simply to recharge, musically; and gain momentum to keep moving forward. Music is a gift. Jerald's concept is a gift, too! I endorse his program. Please check it out! I love Jerald Simon's website and work. For students to gain an appreciation for music theory in such a 'fun' way; and to watch Jerald make comparisons and offer illustrations to bring music alive is a joy." Vickey Pahnke Taylor (Founder at Goodness Matters)

"Jerald Simon's album, 'The Dawn of a New Age’ (Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know), is the piano music version of the best dreams one could have. The melodies, pace and feeling behind his playing are truly in the present moment as I listened. This album will be ideal for anyone wanting to feel more present, balanced and grounded, while exposed to some of the highest spiritual energies possible at the same time. The twelve title themes are appropriately aligned with each composition and all 12 pieces make a coherent message of healing. I highly recommend this album.” Steven Cravis

Hymns of Exaltation- Early Intermediate - "This book hits the sweet spot for much-needed literature for intermediate students. Contemporary harmonic language is made accessible through patterns, chord symbols, and helpful introductions before each piece." Karen Kim (piano teacher)

"My teenage students love the music variety in Adventure Awaits! It is also packed with techniques and musical expressions for the students to explore and master. A definite inclusion in the students' repertoire." Hsiao-Ting Chen from Australia (piano teacher)

“Jerald Simon has composed a collection of pieces that will motivate your early intermediate-advanced students who like to play pieces that sound “epic!” Students who love playing moving octaves and octave chords will enjoy the challenges in this book. Many of the pieces have contrasting sections that allow students to work on further musicality in their playing. Contemporary rhythms are also explored in several of the pieces. This collection is reasonably priced for 13 pieces as well!” Piano Teacher of Middle School and High School Students

"Gray Dawn Breaking" from Sea Fever is one of my all-time favorite pieces for the piano. Its flowing rhythm is a beautiful complement to the invigorating adventure songs from the book like "I Must Go Down to the Seas Again" and "Buried Treasure."

Of all the versions I've heard of "If You Could Hie to Kolob," Jerald Simon's is my favorite. Not only is it gloriously energetic, but it is also relatively easy to learn because of the helpful explanation of the song's theory and patterns. Daniel Soderquist (piano student)

“As a piano teacher, I'm always looking for supplemental material for my students. This book (Sweet Melancholy) will really motivate my intermediate to advanced players. The pieces all evoke different emotions and are set in many different key signatures. This makes the book both usable and challenging at the same time. Begin with pieces in your key signature of comfort, and then challenge yourself with the others!  I appreciate having the chord symbols labeled in all of the pieces, as well as the wonderful tips and overviews that Jerald provides throughout the book. Bravo!” Iris Pederson (piano teacher)

"Jerald Simon's piano album, Hymns of the Heart is an expressively played collection of hymn tunes. The harmonies are rich and the arrangements are spontaneous-sounding improvisations on the melodies. I especially enjoyed the folk-like quality of A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief, a hymn that was completely new to me. Those who enjoy hymn tunes will relish this album but there's no need to be religious to enjoy it as the music speaks for itself." Sandy Holland

"Not only do you get a song per week to learn, but all of the "fixings" (supplements) to go with it!  Backing tracks, PDFs and also a step by step video going though each song.  Wow!  It's a great value for the price. I think students would enjoy playing these (cool) songs from Jerald's COOL SONGS Series.  Teachers and students shouldn't think twice about learning about (Jerald's) compositions and letting themselves be inspired by his musical style.  Don't delay - jump in today!" Jeff Willie - Piano Teacher

"As a veteran piano teacher of over 40 years, I am always looking for that “perfect” collection that will inspire and motivate my students. This book checks all the boxes. The pieces are impressive and will excite even the pickiest of teens and adults playing at the intermediate level. By using beautiful melodies with teachable left hand patterns and repetition, each piece is within the grasp of  the student who wants to “wow” his audience. One notable addition to Simon’s book is the inclusion of chord names in the score - making it easily adaptable for ensemble playing . This is definitely a plus and not often found in other
collections." Terri Miller, Boone NC (piano teacher)

"The Dawn of a New Age (Essential New Age Piano Exercises) by Jerald Simon is a beautiful collection of peaceful, serene pieces. The pieces are appropriate for a wide range of ages and abilities, and could be used for church, weddings, funerals, or simply to motivate students such as teenagers who want a "new age" sound.  Jerald introduces each piece by breaking down the common patterns, which can help self-learners be successful. I think students of all ages will enjoy these calm, sweet piano pieces." Linda Christensen, Piano Teacher

"I loved all of the songs in your book, Adventure Awaits! Each song is unique, giving a good variety of songs for different  students interests. I liked how each song had its own variety and not just repeating the same themes in different octaves over and over! I’m excited to have my students try them!" Tara Tanner (piano teacher)

"My favorite thing about the "Cool Songs Series" is the music theory that is introduced in the video lessons. So many times, students don't understand the why behind theory until they have been taking lessons for several years.  The videos introduce theory concepts in a way that compliments the song, and then gives students a reason to actually use it!"  

Thanks again!

Amanda W Smith - ModernMusicTeaching.com

Jazzed About Christmas - Early Intermediate - "These make great teaching pieces on basic jazzy LH patterns (walking bass, boogie-woogie type patterns). All the pieces are short and accessible. I personally think the slow songs are particularly tastefully arranged." Karen Kim (piano teacher)

"I find your book (Sweet Melancholy) to be a very complete work, with a wide range of musical ideas, translating directly to the music genres. There is a clear structure in the works themselves that make the pieces very easily comprehensible for the students intended level. The music itself introduces a set of different technical difficulties that make the student work towards perfection. The music itself is quite rich in its harmonic successions and the melodic values are brilliant! The notes regarding the chords are very helpful for anyone trying to get a shortcut to harmonic shifts understanding. Overall I think this book is an excellent option for teachers wanting to offer alternatives to standard "classical" repertoire that will probably make the lessons more interesting and enjoyable!" Savvas Pavlidis (Piano Teacher)

"These imaginative pieces will be fun for intermediate students with adventurous dreams! I am excited to challenge my intermediate (mostly middle school) students with some of these pieces. The moving octaves will be a challenge amid rhythms and patterns that will quickly be familiar as they repeat throughout a piece. Each piece has a distinct mood that is captured in the title and will inspire expressive playing. I am certain I will enjoy playing these for pleasure myself as well. They are unique and appealing and will be a fun option for most pianists who play at an intermediate level or beyond." Tacy Melvin (piano teacher)

"Sweet Melancholy showcases a delightful blend of Jerald's compositions, encompassing both advanced and accessible levels. The technically challenging pieces exude a pianistic essence, radiating beauty and vibrancy. Meanwhile, the more accessible ones show the beauty of simplicity and sentimentality. Additionally, the inclusion of small technical exercises within certain pieces renders the book a valuable educational resource for aspiring late intermediate and early advanced players." Pinky Tsang Chun Yi (piano teacher)

"As a piano teacher of over 15 years, I am always looking for new material to give my intermediate students that isn't exam music only, and Adventure Awaits has hit the nail on the head with what I have been looking for. These pieces are perfect for an intermediate pianist to push their skills, especially rhythm, and for a more advanced musician like myself, all the pieces are fun and enjoyable to play through. I highly recommend this book for any teacher or student looking for beautifully written contemporary music that is exciting and engaging to play." Shayla Williams (piano teacher)

"I really loved the contemporary "big" sound while basically working on technical skills. It doesn't sound like regular technique exercises, when in fact it is! It also reinforces note to finger correlations up and down the entire piano! Thank you for writing this music - The Dawn of a New Age (Essential New Age Piano Exercises)!" Jennifer Otten, Piano Teacher

"I thoroughly enjoyed playing the pieces in Jerald Simon’s Adventure Awaits! This book contains 13 piano solos for the intermediate and early advanced pianist.  Some of the pieces are reminiscent of Celtic times, others have a Classical or New Age air about them.  As I played the pieces in sequential order, I felt like I was on a musical journey.  Jerald has provided technical and performance notes at the beginning of some of the pieces.  Some of the pieces are challenging due to the use of ledger lines in both the treble and bass clefs.  Jerald has uploaded his performance of each piece to YouTube.  This will provide you or your piano student with hints on how to perform the piece.  If you love to play this style of piano music, Adventure Awaits! is a great addition to your piano music library.  It is also a wonderful book to be added to your piano teaching library". — LuAnne Williams (piano teacher)

Jerald Simon Business Card (front) - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)
Jerald Simon Business Card (back) - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Learn more about Jerald's COOL SONGS Series
and his Essential Piano Exercises Series

Our Best-Selling Products...

Click on the images below to learn more.

1.-Essential-Piano-Exercises-Image-(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Essential Piano Exercises

You can buy the PDF Series here for $25.95.

2.-Cool-Songs-Series-Image-(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)


You can buy the course, PDF books, etc. for $49.95.

3.-Customer-for-Life-image(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Customer for LIFE

Buy everything Jerald has or will create for $159.97

4.-Essential-Pian-Teacher-Studio-License-image(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Essential Piano Teacher

Buy Jerald's lifetime studio license for $169.97.

All Weekly Online Group Piano Lessons by Jerald Simon


Look through the store to see all online group piano lessons taught each weekby Jerald Simon

Weekly Online Group Piano Lessons
​​​for Piano Teachers (become a Music Mentor)

60 Minutes

Weekly Piano Lessons (for PIANO TEACHERS) - Online Group Piano Lessons

Weekly Online Group Piano Lessons

This is a recurring payment.

Piano teachers will also learn how to TEACH music theory, improvisation, and composition. I refer to this as Theory Therapy™, Innovative Improvisation™ and Creative Composition™.

​The lessons taught each Monday morning follow the schedule according to each week:

WEEK 2: Music Theory - Theory Therapy™ (the practical application of music theory)
WEEK 3: Improvisation - Innovative Improvisation™ (learn to play the same song 100 ways)
WEEK 4: Composition - Creative Composition™ (connect with the composer within YOU)

​​Lessons are taught on Monday mornings from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (MST - Mountain Standard Time - Utah, USA time). This is an hour lesson each week. If you are unable to attend the live lessons, each lesson is recorded and will also be uploaded within your customer portal, so you can watch and rewatch any of the lessons at your convenience. Some piano teachers around the world are not able to attend the live lessons at all, but they watch the recordings the next day within their account.

Weekly Online Group Piano Lessons
​​for NON Piano Teachers (everyone else)




The Apprentice Stage COOL Songs image (beginning package - PDFs, MP3s, etc.)

Beginning Level

Weekly Online Group Piano Lessons

You must first purchase the COOL SONGS Series for $49.95 and then add on The Apprentice Stage monthly tuition for $6.95 per month. Simply click on the red button above to buy everything together.




The Maestro Stage COOL Songs image (early intermediate package - PDFs, MP3s, etc.)

Early Intermediate Level

Weekly Online Group Piano Lessons

You must first purchase the COOL SONGS Series for $49.95 and then add on The Maestro Stage monthly tuition for $9.95 per month. (Includes The Apprentice Stage). Simply click on the red button above to buy everything together.




The Virtuoso Stage COOL Songs image (advanced package - PDFs, MP3s, etc.)

Intermediate-Advanced Level

Weekly Online Group Piano Lessons

You must first purchase the COOL SONGS Series for $49.95 and then add on The Virtuoso Stage monthly tuition for $19.95 per month. (Includes Apprentice and Maestro Stage). Simply click on the red button above to buy everything together.

Individual Piano Lessons​ (one on one)

(for piano students or piano teachers who would like to do one on one piano lessons)

30 Minute

Weekly Piano Lessons

The Apprentice (home page image) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Weekly Individual Piano Lessons
​In Person (in St. George)

This is a recurring monthly payment.

45 Minute

Weekly Piano Lessons

Don't Teach Music Theory Unless...by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Weekly Individual Piano Lessons
​In Person (in St. George)

This is a recurring monthly payment.

60 Minute

Weekly Piano Lessons

The Virtuoso Stage (home page image) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Weekly Individual Piano Lessons
​In Person (in St. George)

This is a recurring monthly payment.

Affiliate Disclosure

On occasion, I use affiliate links in posts. If you decide to purchase through those links, I’ll get a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you.