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Peace and Serenity

PDF download - $6.95

(single use license)

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Level: Late intermediate - advanced

Page Count: 52

Peace and Serenity by Jerald Simon is book of 10 original new age compositions composed to reduce stress and anxiety. It is a must have book for all piano players – especially for those interested in playing new age music. This is a single use license.

“Peace and Serenity” – a new instrumental relaxation album and book by composer Jerald Simon was specifically composed to reduce stress and anxiety while calming and comforting listeners. This new soothing instrumental music helps bring feelings of peace and positivity.

Simon composed the music at 60 beats per minute. This is Jerald Simon’s 27th music book/10th album and 5th meditation/relaxation album. What makes this album unique is the focus on specific and intentionally inserted instrumental elements Simon incorporated into this album.

When listening to “Peace and Serenity,” listeners begin to feel relaxed because since the heart follows the rhythm of the slower beat, it can naturally return to a calm resting heart rate of 60 beats per minute.

The slower beat of the music naturally calms those who have feelings of anxiety and stress. Listeners hear piano, guitar, and orchestral melodies and harmonies entwined with calming nature sounds – crickets, trickling streams, gentle ocean waves, a soothing wind, and the chirping of birds – all recorded by Simon, and are added to the calming music. These relaxing nature sounds help to bring a sense of well-being that only nature can provide.

This new album/book, “Peace and Serenity by Jerald Simon,” was released on all streaming sites (i.e. iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon, iHeart radio, etc.), on October 15th, 2021 – exactly 33 years to the day when Simon fell off a 90 foot cliff as an 8 year old child. Simon especially composed the music on this album to help aid patients in hospitals, soothe individuals with anxiety or stress, and benefit individuals needing more peace and positivity in their life. This album can be used effectively with the health and wellness industry, holistic health practitioners, reiki masters, foot zoners, and during meditation/relaxation sessions. It can be used in spas, yoga studios, and massage therapy clinics, and is intended for anyone who enjoys calming relaxation/meditation music.

Here is what Simon has said about this new album, “The purpose of this new album is to promote peace and positivity in an increasingly turbulent world. I believe we need to be sharing more peace and positivity with others each day – through music, poetry, and positive motivational messages. I think we all can try to focus on being more positive and optimistic and less negative and pessimistic and music contributes to our overall sense of well-being. We can all try to see the good in others, instead of finding the bad around us. We can all strive to be a positive influence in the lives of others and share light, love, and good music each day.”

This album features the piano as the primary instrument with the classical guitar, cello, violins, bass, and other orchestral instruments, new age synth sounds, and also background nature sounds Simon recorded (i.e. ocean waves, streams, the wind, crickets, birds chirping, etc.).

The songs are:

1. Peace of Mind - page 6
2. Guiding Star - page 9
3. Seasons - page 12
4. Essence of Nature - page 14
5. Hidden Grove - page 18
6. Woodland Brook - page 21
7. Sundown - page 25
8. Nocturnal Symphony - page 29
9. Seven Seas - page 33
10. Enchanted Spring - page 36

Samples from the book...

Example 1 - Peace of Mind by Jerald Simon - from Peace and Serenity published by Music Motivation (
Example 2 - Seasons by Jerald Simon - from Peace and Serenity published by Music Motivation (
Example 2 - Seasons by Jerald Simon - from Peace and Serenity published by Music Motivation (
Example 4 - Seven Seas by Jerald Simon - from Peace and Serenity published by Music Motivation (
Example 1 - Peace of Mind by Jerald Simon - from Peace and Serenity published by Music Motivation (
Example 3 - Woodland Brooks by Jerald Simon - from Peace and Serenity published by Music Motivation (
Example 4 - Seven Seas by Jerald Simon - from Peace and Serenity published by Music Motivation (
Example 1 - Peace of Mind by Jerald Simon - from Peace and Serenity published by Music Motivation (
Example 4 - Seven Seas by Jerald Simon - from Peace and Serenity published by Music Motivation (
Example 2 - Seasons by Jerald Simon - from Peace and Serenity published by Music Motivation (

Watch the music videos below...

Peace of Mind

Guiding Star


Essence of Nature

Hidden Grove

Woodland Brook


Nocturnal Symphony

Seven Seas

Enchanted Spring

Peace and Serenity

Buy the PDF book for $6.95 (single use license). You can add on the Essential Piano Exercises complete PDF Series, and COOL SONGS Series as well when you check out. This is a single use license. If you are a piano teacher and would like to buy the lifetime studio license for all of Jerald's music books, visit

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Peace and Serenity by Jerald Simon - (PDF download)
Peace and Serenity by Jerald Simon - (PDF download)
Peace and Serenity by Jerald Simon is book of 10 original new age compositions composed to reduce stress and anxiety. It is a must have book for all piano players – especially for those interested in playing new age music.

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Add on lifetime access to the Essential Piano Exercises PDF Series for a one time payment of $25.95.
Essential Piano Exercises Series (PDF download) (Essential Piano Exercises Series (single use license))Buy the Essential Piano Exercises Series as a PDF download which includes four books: 100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon Essential Jazz Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon Essential POP Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon
Add on lifetime access to the Cool Songs Series Course for a one time payment of $49.95.
COOL SONGS Series Course (single use license) (COOL SONGS Series)Purchase the entire COOL SONGS Series Course single use license (Over 4 years worth of piano lessons – 163 COOL SONGS complete with video lessons and accompaniment MP3 minus tracks) for a one time payment of $49.95 – You’ll have lifetime access to all of the COOL SONGS in the series (piano teachers will also be able to upgrade their single use license to a lifetime piano teacher studio license if they’d like to when checking out – keep scrolling down below to learn more).

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