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I Want to Do What Jesus Taught

Spiral Bound Book - $20.95

(Free Shipping within the USA)

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Level: Varied - Some of the songs are simple and some are advanced.

Page Count: 66

I hope you enjoy “I Want to Do What Jesus Taught”. This Spiral Bound book features 40 original primary songs composed for children to teach them religious principles and values centered on Jesus Christ and our relationship with our Heavenly Father. 

The themes I have tried to focus on in this Spiral Bound book primarily highlight and feature Jesus Christ and His teachings. Of course, as Jesus said in the Holy Bible, He only did what His Father in Heaven wanted. He went about doing good. He always did the Father’s will.

Jesus is, without reservation, the most important exemplary role model we can follow. If we will pattern our own lives after His, and if we will try to learn His teachings and follow His perfect example, we will be strengthened and helped from on high. We are not perfect, nor will we ever be perfect here in mortality, but we have a perfect example and guide to help us on our way. I know as we learn about Jesus and try to become more Christ-like in how we speak, what we watch, do, listen to, and how we treat others, that we can have His influence watching over us and guiding us in everything we do. It will change the way we see the world around us. It will change how we behave and what we do and even who we become. It will have an everlasting impact on how we speak, what we watch for entertainment, the friends we choose to hang out with and what we do with those friends when we are with them.

Imagine what the world would look like today if every human being tried to be more Christ-like in their daily conversations, how they treated people, what they did for fun, how they handled the stress and complications of work, or even the kinds of leisure and entertainment activities being done each minute. This is the time for each of us to strive to be more like Jesus Christ in everything we do. This Christ-like change will not only change us, it can also change our spouse (if we are married), our children, our parents, our siblings, our relatives, our friends, neighbors, even strangers we meet on our daily journeys. Everyone with whom we come in contact and with whom we interact will notice that we are trying to be better. We won’t be perfect and should not expect perfection from ourselves or others, but we will be progressing and improving. That is what everything comes down to in the end. It’s more than watching our thoughts, our words, or our behaviors, it’s about seeking a celestial change in our hearts. That will help us see ourselves and others as God and Jesus Christ see us. We are children of God and He loves us so much that He allowed our Savior, Jesus Christ, as a perfect being to come to an imperfect earth and live and even die for each of our Heavenly Father’s (God’s) children. Jesus Christ suffered and bled from every pore of His body in the Garden of Gethsemane while performing an infinite atonement for us. That means He took upon Himself our sins, our sorrows, our heartaches, our physical, emotional, and mental suffering and pain. He suffered for us so that we might be made whole if we will turn to Him and learn from Him. I personally feel so much gratitude and happiness in my heart that my Savior, and your Savior, Jesus Christ, lived for me and for you. Not only did He live for us and suffered the atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane for us that we might be made whole, He was then crucified on the cross and three days later rose from the grave of death and mortality to eternal life and immortality. Jesus was resurrected so that we too can one day be resurrected and return to our Heavenly home above with our Heavenly Parents and our eternal family which comprises both our earthly family and all of God’s children who have lived on this earth and the many other worlds like this one.

With each of these Primary children’s songs/hymns I have composed, I have personally felt a strong spiritual shove to share these messages. Many times, as I composed the music and wrote the lyrics, I felt as if I were being guided by loved ones in Heaven from beyond the veil. Often words would come to my mind instantly while creating the melodies and harmonies of the music. At time it felt as if the music and the words came to me and through me. Many of the pieces were gifts given to me almost with no help on my part as the melodies, harmonies, and even lyrics popped into my mind.

I know we are not alone here on earth. If our spiritual eyes could truly be opened, I know we would see loved ones from past generations walking beside us. We might see or feel them wrapping their arms around us when we stumble and fall. We might hear them whisper encouraging words of hope and inspiration into our ears when we need to be comforted, strengthened, and taught from on high. Jesus wants us to be and do our best!

This is a single use license.

1. I Want to Do What Jesus Taught
2. God is Watching Over You
3. Family Home Evening
4. What The Scriptures Teach Me
5. If I Had Lived When Jesus Lived
6. I Will Listen and Obey
7. Blessed Each Day
8. Faith to Follow Him
9. God’s Family
10. I Will Follow the Light
11. I Know That the Gospel’s True
12. Jesus Wants Me to Obey
13. Mother
14. We Love to Go to Church
15. Heavenly Father, Hear My Prayer
16. In the Primary
17. The Truth of All Things
18. I Can Pray for Help and Light
19. It’s Time to Learn
20. The Temple is a Holy Place

21. When I Need God’s Help
22. Every Day I Learn and Grow
23. I’ll Stand for What is Right
24. Get the Wiggles Out!
25. Jesus Can Rescue Me
26. I Love to Hear the Prophet Speak
27. Be Nice to Everyone!
28. God Still Loves Us
29. Jesus is My Friend
30. God Will Show Me the Light
31. We Belong in Primary
32. Be a Light Today
33. My Heavenly Home
34. My Little One
35. Jesus Can Work Miracles Through Us
36. I Can Be a Friend
37. God Will Help Me Find My Way
38. I Will Do My Best (to Live God’s Way)
39. The Scriptures Teach Me
40. I Know That God Loves Me

Samples from the book...

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I Want to Do What Jesus Taught

Buy the PDF book for $20.95 (Free Shipping within the USA). You can add on the Essential Piano Exercises complete PDF Series, and COOL SONGS Series as well when you check out. This is a single use license. If you are a piano teacher and would like to buy the lifetime studio license for all of Jerald's music books, visit

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