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Let us know if there is a topic you'd like me to write about! - Jerald

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How and Why Do We Motivate Piano Students?

A Simple Practice Schedule for Piano Students

How to Motivate Teen Piano Students to Want to Play the Piano...

How to Motivate Young Piano Students to Want to Play the Piano...

Don’t Teach Music Theory Unless...

Changing for the better…Do not fear failure!


Hi, I'm
Jerald Simon

Music Mentor, Composer, Author

My name is Jerald Simon and I help teen and adult piano students learn to play piano the FUN way by teaching music theory, improvisation, and composition. I refer to these as Theory Therapy™, Innovative Improvisation™, and Creative Composition™. Within these three areas of musicianship, I focus on mastering Piano FUNdamentals (emphasis on the word FUN). My company is called Music Motivation® and I create COOL SONGS, Essential Piano Exercises, Piano FUNdamentals, video courses, weekly online group piano lessons, workshops, seminars, music books, albums, and so much more!

My goal is to help you learn how to play any style of music you want on the piano in any key - with or without music. I want students to learn how to read any piano music placed in front of them, and play it as it is written. But I also teach you how to take any music and play it at least 100 different ways in any key and any genre or style you want, from classical to new age, jazz, blues, rock, pop, ballads, country, etc.. I encourage students to take the music theory we learn in our weekly online group piano lessons and learn how to improvise, arrange, and compose music of their own. I help piano students discover their composer within.

I have published over 40 music books, 15 albums, and teach piano teachers around the world how to teach piano.

I only teach a few piano students on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. The rest of the time I am publishing new books, recording albums, doing workshops, seminars, and concerts.

Learn about some of our best-selling products below!

You can also visit our Music Motivation® Store to buy any of our other products we've created.

1.-Essential-Piano-Exercises-Image-(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Essential Piano Exercises

You can buy the PDF Series here for $25.95.

2.-Cool-Songs-Series-Image-(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)


You can buy the course, PDF books, etc. for $49.95.

3.-Customer-for-Life-image(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Customer for LIFE

Buy everything Jerald has or will create for $159.97.

4.-Essential-Pian-Teacher-Studio-License-image(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Essential Piano Teacher

Buy Jerald's lifetime studio license for $169.97.

60 Minute

Weekly Piano Lessons (for PIANO TEACHERS) - Online Group Piano Lessons

Weekly Individual Piano Lessons

This is a recurring payment.

Piano teachers will also learn how to TEACH music theory, improvisation, and composition. I refer to this as Theory Therapy™, Innovative Improvisation™ and Creative Composition™.

​The lessons taught each Monday morning follow the schedule according to each week:

WEEK 2: Music Theory - Theory Therapy™ (the practical application of music theory)
WEEK 3: Improvisation - Innovative Improvisation™ (learn to play the same song 100 ways)
WEEK 4: Composition - Creative Composition™ (connect with the composer within YOU)

​​Lessons are taught on Monday mornings from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (MST - Mountain Standard Time - Utah, USA time). This is an hour and a half lesson each week. If you are unable to attend the live lessons, each lesson is recorded and will also be uploaded within your customer portal, so you can watch and rewatch any of the lessons at your convenience. Some piano teachers around the world are not able to attend the live lessons at all, but they watch the recordings the next day within their account.

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Below you will find helpful "Quick Links" to help you navigate the site. Connect with Jerald and stay up to date with new books, albums, courses, concerts, and more!

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Listen to Jerald's Podcast

Music Motivation LLC
PO Box 910005
St. George, UT 84791-0005

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