Level: Early Intermediate - Advanced
Page Count: 68
Students learn what intervals are, how they are used to create tetra-chords (e.g. C D E F) and how tetra-chords are used to create scales (e.g. the C tetra chord is C D E F combined with the G tetra chord which is G A B C creates the C Major scale). Students learn all of the intervals, primary triad chord progression moving up diatonically (e.g. Major, minor, minor, Major, Major, minor, diminished triad, Major), and all of the seventh chords moving up diatonically according to all of the Major scales in every major key signature (Major seventh, minor seventh, minor seventh, Major seventh, Dominant seventh, minor seventh, minor seventh flat the 5th).
Students also learn each of the seven primary modes (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian) in every key signature following the circle of fifths. In addition, the modes are presented in two ways:
(1) Going in order beginning with each mode in the respective key signature (i.e. C Ionian, D Dorian, E Phrygian, etc.) and
(2) Going in order using the tonic (the note after which the key signature is named) of the respective key signature for each mode (i.e. C Ionian, C Dorian, C Phrygian, etc.).This is a single use license.
Buy the PDF book for $6.95 (single use license). You can add on the Essential Piano Exercises complete PDF Series, and COOL SONGS Series as well when you check out. This is a single use license. If you are a piano teacher and would like to buy the lifetime studio license for all of Jerald's music books, visit essentialpianoteachers.com.
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