
All Paperback books created by Jerald Simon available on Amazon...


When you click on any of the cover images below, you will be taken to Amazon (USA) where you can buy each individual paperback book by Jerald Simon. If you would like to buy the spiral bound book, you can buy them from our store website, or your local music store (if you local music store is not yet selling my music books, please have them contact me - (801)644-0540).

If you would like to buy any of these books from your Amazon that is outside of the USA, please click on the associated links below:

Learn more about the books by Jerald Simon...

Cool Songs for Cool Kids (Book 3) by Jerald Simon - Published by Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Cool Songs (Book 3)

$14.95 Paperback Book

Essential Piano Exercises Series by Jerald Simon (published by Music Motivation - musicmotivation.com)

Essential Piano Exercises

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Essential Jazz
Piano Exercises

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Essential New Age Piano Exercises

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Essential POP Piano Exercises

Triumphant by Jerald Simon - published by Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)


$18.95 Paperback Book

Sea Fever by Jerald Simon - published by Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Sea Fever

$18.95 Paperback Book

Hymns of Exaltation by Jerald Simon - published by Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Hymns of Exaltation

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I Want to Do What Jesus Taught

An Introduction to Scales and Modes PDF book by Jerald Simon - published by Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

An Introduction to Scales and Modes

$18.95 Paperback Book

Ghosts and Goblins and Freaks and Ghouls PDF book by Jerald Simon - published by Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Ghosts & Goblins & Freaks & Ghouls

Jingle those Bells PDF book by Jerald Simon - published by Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Jingle those Bells
Christmas Music

Jazzed-about-4th-of-July-by-Jerald-Simon-paperback- png

Jazzed about
4th of July

$12.95 Paperback Book

Variations on Mary Had a Little Lamb PDF book by Jerald Simon - published by Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Variations on Mary Had a Little Lamb

$9.95 Paperback Book

Music Motivation Goal book by Jerald Simon - published by Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

The Music Motivation® Goal Book

The As If Principle by Jerald Simon - published by Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

The "As If" Principle
(motivational poetry)

Poetry that Motivates by Jerald Simon - published by Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Poetry that Motivates
(motivational poetry)

Perceptions, Parables, and Pointers by Jerald Simon - published by Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Perceptions, Parables, and Pointers

Who Are You (Discover who you really are and who you can become)! by Jerald Simon - published by Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Who Are You?
(Personal Success Goal Book)

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