HURRY! Save Up To 50% On Select Products and Check Out our FREE Piano Music PDF Bundle!



Do you or your piano students need fun piano music?
Do you want to Learn Music Theory, Improvisation, and Composition (and how to teach it for teachers)?


Does This Sound Like You?

Either you or your piano students aren't having fun and progressing on the piano the way you want to. You'd like to improve, but need help!

  • Do you feel like...you don't know as much about music theory, improvisation/arranging and composing on the piano as you'd like to?
  • Does it seem...like you don't know what to do next or how to improve your piano playing skills the way you want to? Can you play equally well by rote, by ear, and by note in all key signatures, styles, and genres?
  • Are you frustrated that...you don't have fun piano music, accompaniment MP3 minus tracks, online pre-recorded and live video lesson tutorials, and a road map to help you improve and progress on your musical journey?
  • And when it comes down to it, do you...wish you had exciting, entertaining, and educational piano music and a better understanding of how to play from a lead sheet, fake book, or how to play the same song 100 different ways in every key signature? 
  • Do you finally...want to learn how to use music theory to improvise, arrange and compose music of your own and play all styles and genres from classical to jazz, blues, pop, rock, new age, hymns, ballads, and more?

Music Mentor Jerald Simon can help you...

Learn How to
Play Piano the FUN WAY!

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Click The RED Button Below and Give Me Your Best Email Address To Enter our WEEKLY FRIDAY FREE GIVEAWAY. You'll also receive a FREE 125 page PDF book on How to Motivate Piano Students to Want to Play the Piano - the FUN Way, just for signing up! Every Friday we announce the winners at 10:00 AM. Someone, somewhere in the world, will be our lucky winner every Friday morning. Enter to win TODAY! Winners will be announced on my YouTube channel.

Learn Music Theory, Improvisation, and Composition from Jerald Simon
with his 

Jerald Simon composes COOL SONGS and creates ESSENTIAL PIANO EXERCISES that help Piano Students and Piano Teachers better learn music theory, improvisation, and composition - the FUN way...through Practical Application and Piano FUNdamentals (and also how to teach it - for the piano teachers). He helps piano students and piano teachers learn Theory Therapy™, Innovative Improvisation™, and Creative Composition™.

Jerald helps piano students achieve their musical goals on their individual musical journey from absolute beginners up through advanced professionals, by using his Music Motivation® Mentorship Map. This is an outline that guides students on their musical journey from The Apprentice Stage to The Maestro Stage, and ultimately continuing on to The Virtuoso Stage and beyond. He helps piano teachers worldwide teach better by creating the best piano teaching resources featuring 40+ best-selling piano and motivational/self help books, individual piano sheet music, albums, courses, YouTube piano tutorials, and weekly online live group piano lessons for piano students and piano teachers. If you are a piano teacher and you want to improve and learn more about music theory, how to improvise and arrange piano music and even compose music of your own, then please allow Jerald the opportunity to teach you how to be a Music Mentor and become an Essential Piano Teacher.

Adventure awaits as you embark on this fun, musical journey.  Join over 10,000 + piano teachers and students worldwide who have revolutionized their piano teaching by using Jerald's COOL SONGS and Essential Piano Exercises in their weekly piano lessons. It will change the way you play the piano by quickly learning how to use music theory to arrange and compose music of your own. If you are a piano teacher, it will transform the way you teach piano lessons, and your piano students will thank you for mentoring them with Music Motivation®.


The piano music from this album is included in my new book, Essential POP Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know (from the best-selling Essential Piano Exercises Series) We have sold over 50,000 combined books on Amazon from the five books in this series. We have 10 more books we will soon be adding to this series (and possibly more to come). You can listen to all of my music on Spotify, Pandora, iTunes, Amazon, iHeart Radio, YOUTUBE, and all online streaming sites. Listen to my music, like it, share it, and help me spread peace and positivity with the world.

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My name is Jerald Simon. First and foremost, I am a husband to my beautiful wife, Zanny (her name is Suzanne - but anyone who knows her calls her Zanny), and a father to my three wonderful children, Summer, Preston, and Matthew. They are wonderful and everything I do is for them. God and family always comes first in my life!

I am the founder of Music Motivation® (musicmotivation.com), and the creator of the Cool Songs Series/Course (musicmotivation.com/coolsongs), and the Essential Piano Exercises Series/Course (essentialpianoexercises.com). I teach weekly online group piano lessons to students all over the world (essentialpianolessons.com) and also teach a few students privately in my home studio. I have a YouTube channel (youtube.com/jeraldsimon) and I love learning everything I can and want to help myself and others do our best and live our best life.

Get To Know Jerald Simon Better

(Author, Composer, Poet, Photographer, Music Mentor)

Here are some of our

Best-Selling Products...

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#1 Best-Selling Product

A must have for EVERY Piano Player! Learn music theory, improvisation, and composition! Each of these books were #1 New Releases on Amazon and Over 50,000 copies have been sold worldwide! All of these have been in the top 50 best-selling music theory or piano exercise books on Amazon. This series is a must have essential so you can learn how to use music theory to improvise and compose music of your own. If you are a budding composer or teach piano lessons, then you definitely need this best-selling series! 

Inside this PDF series, you will discover:

  • ​Essential Piano Exercises so you can...learn all of your intervals, scales, chords, modes, and Piano FUNdamentals in every key signature and inversion. Learn the practical application of music theory (Jerald refers to this as Theory Therapy). 
  • Learn how to play the same song 100 different ways with 100 Left Hand Patterns, so you can...play the same song in different styles and genres.
  • Learn Jazz, New Age, and Pop Piano Exercises with fun original COOL SONGS composed by Jerald Simon so you can...play fun upbeat music in various styles and learn the music theory used to compose various styles of music. This will help you compose music of your own in various styles and genres.
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"Jerald, I absolutely love your program!

1. You have the most comprehensive reference section on your books. (Your Circle of Fifths is the best I've ever seen. It is so much easier to explain when they can see it written out.)
2. Your beginning songs actually are fun to play. All of my students prefer your songs to the songs in their regular books.
3. I love the multimedia options. I have students that listen to your songs at home as they practice to help them remember rhythm and how it sounds.
4. I am not a great jazz pianist. Your songs make it easy to demonstrate how it is supposed to be. (I am learning a lot on my own.)
5. The new songs each week are a great resource because the kids want to hear it even if they aren't at that level yet. It keeps them excited about playing which means they are more willing to practice and learn."

Emily Younker, Piano Teacher

#2 Best-Selling Product

The COOL SONGS Series features over 4 + years worth of piano lessons in PDF book and video format where Jerald Simon personally teaches you each new COOL SONG in a pre-recorded video lesson. This is a course with modules and lessons.

There are over 165 + COOL SONGS composed by Jerald Simon from beginner up through advanced levels to help you learn to play the piano. You can learn to play piano on your own schedule simply by logging into the course at your convenience. You can be anywhere in the world and access these piano lessons.

You'll also be able to download and print off the PDF books, sheet music, and accompaniment MP3 minus tracks (students can play along with guitars, drums, keyboard synths, fun sound effects and more!) All accompaniment MP3 minus tracks are at performance speed with piano, performance speed - no piano (so you can play along and perform these COOL SONGS for others), and at practice speed - no piano.

In this series/course, there are three separate fun stages:

  • ​The Apprentice Stage for beginner level piano students
  • The Maestro Stage for intermediate level piano students
  • ​The Virtuoso Stage for advanced level piano students
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#3 Best-Selling Product

Just a one time payment for EVERYTHING Jerald has created or will create in the future (PDF books, Online Materials, and Courses) - for LIFE!

You will have access to every PDF book or pre-recorded online course Jerald has created and every PDF book or course he will ever create during his life. You will be a lifelong customer and will have access to all of his courses, PDF books, series, MP3s, and online video lessons for life! You will also have access to the PDF books of all new books Jerald writes for life.

This does not include private lessons, weekly online group lessons, physical products, in person events, or mentoring/mastermind groups.​

  • ​All PDF Books by Jerald Simon so you can...learn music theory, improvisation, and composition. This also includes all of Jerald's self help, motivational and inspirational poetry and self improvement books.
  • All Online/Pre-Recorded Courses so you can...watch video lessons on music and motivation. This includes past, present, and future courses. You will have access to everything.
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#4 Best-Selling Product

Just a one time payment for EVERYTHING Jerald has created or will create in the future (PDF books, Online Materials, and Courses) - for LIFE!

This is a lifetime studio license for all of Jerald's music books, PDF piano sheet music, albums, courses, and more for piano teachers and music educators.

Become one of our MUSIC MENTORS. We want you to be one of our ESSENTIAL PIANO TEACHERS.

You will also have the studio license so you can print out all of Jerald's PDF books for the piano students in your piano studio. I am also giving you online access to all of my pre-recorded courses (past, present, and future) as well!

This does not include private lessons, online group lessons, physical products, in person events, or mentoring/mastermind groups.

  • ​STUDIO LICENSES for All PDF Books by Jerald Simon so you can...learn music theory, improvisation, and composition. This also includes all of Jerald's self help, motivational and inspirational poetry and self improvement books.
  • All Online/Pre-Recorded Courses so you can...watch video lessons on music and motivation. This includes past, present, and future courses. You will have access to everything.

Check out these other products by Jerald Simon...

5.-FREE-music-image(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)


This is our FREE music download package.

6.-Single-PDFs-sheet-music-image(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)


These are all SINGLE USE License for $2.95+ per piece.

7.-PDF-Books-image(storefront) - by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)


These are all SINGLE USE License for $6.95+ per book.

2.-Cool-Songs-Series-Image-(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Amazon Paper Back Books

Links to each book sold on Amazon for various prices.

9.-Essential-Piano-Exercise-Spiral-Bound-image(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation)

Essential Piano Exercises

Buy this spiral bound set for $159.95 (free shipping).

10.Spiral-bound-books-image(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Spiral Bound BOOKS

Buy any of our spiral bound books.

11.-Poetry-that-Motivates-series-image(storefront) - by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Poetry that Motivates

Buy this PDF series for $9.95.

12.Empowered-by-Positivity-image(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Empowered by Positivity

Buy this 8 week course for $49.95.

14.One-on-one-piano-lessons-image(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Individual Piano Lessons

Sign up for one on one online or in person lessons.

13.Weekly-online-group-piano-lessons-image(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Online Group Piano Lessons

Sign up for weekly online group piano lessons.

15.Piano-teacher-mentoring-image(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Piano Teacher Mentoring

Sign up for weekly online group piano lessons.

1.-Essential-Piano-Exercises-Image-(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Teacher Studio Licenses

Piano teachers can purchase PDF licenses of books.

16.Essential-Piano-Exercises-course-image(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

EPE Course

Sign up for one on one online or in person lessons.

1.-Essential-Piano-Exercises-Image-(storefront) by Jerald Simon - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

Christmas Piano Music

Buy the Christmas Piano Music Bundle for $9.95!

Take your piano playing to the next level.
Learn music theory, improvisation, and composition.

Start learning the 3 Most Important areas for Improving on the Piano starting TODAY!


Theory Therapy™
(Learn Music Theory)

Most piano students and some piano teachers don't know or even like music theory.  Jerald helps with Theory Therapy™! It's the practical application of music theory. You learn how to apply it. It's FUN!


Innovative Improvisation™
(Learn Improvisation)

Learn how to play the same song 100 different ways. Learn to play by ear, how to use fake books and lead sheets. Play new age, jazz, blues, rock, pop, and more. Jerald refers to this as Innovative Improvisation.


Creative Composition™
(Learn Composition)

Learning to play music as it is will help you in the beginning. Learning how to arrange and improvise music will inspire you. Learning how to compose your own music will help you share your music with others.


Listen to What these Experts Say...


"Jerald Simon is an expert at reaching teen students and connecting to them with the music they love. With his COOL SONGS Series, Jerald creates amazing orchestral backing tracks which are stunning! I know how much my students enjoy playing along with backing tracks! You'll love using these COOL SONGS with your students (and so will they)!"

Tim Topham


"Jerald Simon is a creative music guru when it comes to anything that can be created from an essential piano exercise. What is cool about all his essential piano exercises is what you could ultimately turn around and do with them. Compose, improvise, arrange, mash ups, remix, the list can go on and on… And if the exercises aren’t enough, Jerald is always there and willing to lend plenty of support through online groups, lessons, and challenges."

Jennifer Foxx


"In the online world, it can sometimes be difficult to find real, genuine instructors who are interested and invested in you. Fortunately Jerald is not only an inspiring music teacher, but also a wonderful person. He cares about making piano practical and fun."

Allysia Van Betuw


What others are saying...

Rebecca's Testimonial about Jerald Simon


Piano Teacher

Becky B's Testimonial about Jerald Simon

Becky B.

Piano Teacher

Jarom Hansen's Testimonial about Jerald Simon

Jarom Hansen

Professional Pianist (Former Piano Student)

Wyatt Frasier Testimonial about Jerald Simon

Wyatt Frasier

Former Piano Student

Piano Student Testimonial about Essential Piano Exercises Course

Piano Student

Essential Piano Exercises Student

Nate Campbell Testimonial about Jerald Simon

Nate Campbell

Professional Musician (Former Piano Student)

CLICK HERE to Read more testimonials on our Customer Testimonial Page

(we'd love to receive a testimonial from you that we can share on our website as well)...

Listen to Jerald's PODCAST

Music Motivation and More
​the Positivity Podcast
with Jerald Simon

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New Episodes Every Monday...

Every Monday I (Jerald Simon) release a new positivity podcast as part of my weekly mission to motivate others with my music and my writing. My podcast, "Music, Motivation, and More - The Positivity Podcast with Jerald Simon," is where I discuss topics that focus on: "Positive Perceptions," "Motivation in a Minute," the "Music Within," and "Poetry that Motivates." The podcast is all about motivating and inspiring you!

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Episode 49 - I Believe God Has a Plan for ME and for YOU...
Do and be your best. Continually strive to be better today than you were yesterday. I know you will do amazing things in life...

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Weekly Friday FREE Giveaway

Click The Button Below And Give Me Your Best Email Address To Enter our WEEKLY FRIDAY FREE GIVEAWAY, and you'll also receive a FREE 125 page PDF book on How to Motivate Piano Students to Want to Play the Piano the FUN Way, when you sign up!

Check out OUR BLOG...


How Can We Inspire Music Students?

Monday, December 05, 2022

Why Do You Do What You Do?

Monday, December 05, 2022

How and Why Do We Motivate Piano Students?

Friday, December 02, 2022

A Simple Practice Schedule for Piano Students

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Feel free to contact me...

Let me know if you need help with anything.

Jerald Simon Business Card (front) - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)
Jerald Simon Business Card (back) - Music Motivation (musicmotivation.com)

CLICK HERE to see the products I recommend on Amazon.

Do you have a music related product you sell on Amazon that you'd like me to review on my YouTube channel?
Email me and let me know! I'd love to review your product(s) and and share it with my audience. I'll share an honest review!

Affiliate Disclosure

On occasion, I do use affiliate links in posts. If you decide to purchase through those links, I’ll get a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you.